FED Booth at the North Country Business Expo |
On Thursday, June 9, we exhibited at the North Country Chamber of Commerce’s (http://www.northcountrychamber.com/default.php) Business Expo. The Expo was held at the Plattsburgh State University Field House. The venue had plenty of space for all the exhibitors (186 exhibitors from published reports) but the temperature the day of the event was 80 degrees F (which made the Field House pretty warm). Unfortunately, the Field House is naturally air condition (meaning you open all the doors and you allow the cross-ventilation to cool the building down).
The 186 exhibitors ranged from Champlain Vally Hospital, AT&T, to a local pharmacy. Some interesting included Nova Bus, Lake City Fire Equipment, and the Wild Center. Lake City Fire Equipment (www.lakecityfireequipment.com) does training, service, sale, and inspection of fire extinguishers. While The Wild Center (http://wildcenter.org/index.php) is a not-for-profit organization located on a 31-acre site in the Town of Tupper Lake, NY near the geographic center of the Adirondack Park. The Wild Center is dedicated to understanding the Adirondack Park, and is committed to helping people explore not a small collection, but one that lives and breathes across the entire expanse of the Adirondacks.
Though the venue was very hot and stifling at times, we had a great event and made several new contacts. We set several goals for the Business Expo to assist our business (primary goal was to increase the contacts we had in the area), and we feel these goals were accomplished, making this a very worthwhile event.
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