Welcome to the Spooky October issue of the Safety Suzy Newsletter!
| | | | October is our 36th year business anniversary please read our blog post regarding the various things we've done in the past year. To our clients—some of whom have been with us since our early years—thank you for putting your trust in us time and time again. It is your faith in our ability to deliver results that has allowed us to grow and thrive in this industry. As we're officially entering into the month of Halloween, we're bringing you a bucketload of (not so) spooky safety updates and news. First, EPA has a new emergency and indoor air quality website, so make sure you check it out. We're also looking at labor shortage trends, when you need an energized work permit, and updates on protecting chimney sweeps from respiratory hazards. At the end, we share our updated course schedule. This is a busy season for us, so if you need any refresher courses make sure you grab your spot as soon as possible!
| | | | | EPA has a New Emergency and IAQ Website | | Check out the new EPA website on emergencies and indoor air quality (IAQ). The site covers floods, head waves, power outages and other emergencies and offers advice on how to keep IAQ ventilated and good for your health.
| | | DoL launches Severe Injury Report Dashboard | | The dashboard allows users to search and download data by year, industry, state, establishment name, and Occupational Injury and Illness Classification System codes. The dashboard includes information on all severe injuries reported by employers covered under federal OSHA since 2015. | | | | | | 400,000 SST Cards Issued in NYC | | | | The Department of Buildings (DOB) confirmed that in July construction safety training providers issued the 400,000th Site Safety Training (SST) ID card. These cards are required for any workers who want to work on one of NYC's larger or more complex work sites. Construction workers need to complete 40 hours of safety training before they can qualify. To date, these cards have been "tapped" more than 21 million times, confirming that only properly trained workers are allowed on larger work sites. | | | | NIOSH: Are Beard Bands Making Respirators Ineffective? | | | | | | | NIOSH is launching a new study that wants to see how effective are respirators for workers who wear bear bands. In the first phase of this study, respirator fit will be evaluated using the NIOSH-approved filtering facepiece respirators selected to participate in the study when worn on persons with facial hair. Then respirator fit will be determined for the same individuals wearing a beard band under the respirator. Additional study phases may include other kinds of tight-fitting respirators, including particulate-only elastomeric half-mask respirators or full-facepiece respirators. The study might also look at Simulated Workplace Protection Factor on respirator users with facial hair. | | | | | | | Shrinking Labor Force Puts a Massive Strain on Industries | | | | The Employee Benefit Research Institude (EBRI) released a new report which paints a worrisome picture - the number of people working or looking for work is shrinking. Aging population, falling childbirth rates and new generations who're seeking alternative and office-based employment all contribute to this new trend. Women are involved in the labor force more than ever, but they still make only 2% of the workforce in male-dominated industries like plumbing, HVAC and auto maintenance. Lightcast, a labor market data and analysis firm, says that employers need to change approach to hiring if they want to adapt to this new reality. Instead of looking for employees pre-loaded with the desired skills, companies need to cast a wide net, set clear expectations and be willing to provide the training people need to do those jobs. Finally, childcare is proven as one of the main drivers for keeping people outside of the labor market. Employers need to prioritize childcare policies and flexible working if they want to attract more talent.
| | | | | | Heat Increases Likelihood of Physical Injuries | | | | | A new survey shows that workers are under increased risk of physical injuries when the temperatures are above 90F. This is due to heat's direct impact on workers' physical and cognitive abilities, leaving more room for mistakes and falls. Experts advise that, aside from learning the symptoms of heat-related illnesses, employers also need to encourage employees to stay hydrated and to take frequent breaks in shaded areas. | | | | | | Do You Need Energized Work Permit? | | | | | According to NFPA 70E, an energized work permit is required any time energized work is allowed and performed within the restricted approach boundary. It’s also required when interacting with equipment in normal operating conditions and an increased likelihood of an arc flash hazard exists. These tasks can be found in NFPA 70E table 130.5(C). Most of the energized work performed falls under one of the four exemptions for filling out an EWP, though. This includes: - Testing, troubleshooting and voltage measuring
- Thermography, ultrasound and visual inspections if restricted approach boundary isn’t crossed
- Access to and egress from an area with energized electrical equipment if no electrical work is performed and restricted approach boundary isn’t crossed
- General housekeeping and miscellaneous, nonelectrical tasks if the restricted approach boundary isn’t crossed
| | | | | | | | Use SafetySuzy10FEDTC at checkout to get 10% off of any of our health and safety courses. Don't forget that our loyal customers get 15% off, so please get in touch if you'd like to find out more. | | | | | | Inspect Aerial Lifts Before Operating | | | | OSHA recommends that aerial lifts are always inspected before use. Operators need to check the following lift and vehicle components: Vehicle components: - Battery and charger
- Fluid levels, including oil, hydraulic, fuel and coolant (look for leaks)
- Horn, gauges, lights and backup alarms
- Lower-level controls
- Steering and brakes
- Wheels and tires
Lift Components: - Cable and wiring harnesses
- Fiberglass and other insulating components
- Guardrail systems
- Hydraulic, air, pneumatic, fuel and electrical systems
- Loose or missing parts
- Mechanical fasteners and locking pins
- Missing or unreadable placards; warnings; or operational, instructional and control markings
- Operating and emergency controls
- Outriggers, stabilizers and other structures
- Personal protective devices
| | | | OSHA Issues New Avian Flu Fact Sheet | | | | In response to the recent cases of bird flu among poultry and dairy workers, OSHA updated its avian flu fact sheet to address transmission and symptoms as well as the proper use of PPE when handling poultry. | | | | | | Protect Chimney Sweeps from Respiratory Hazards | | | | | NIOSH offers advice on how to keep chimney sweeps and those near the work area safe from toxic particles: - Always wear an N95 filtering facepiece respirator when removing clothes or handling tools that are coated in dust, or when dumping debris from a vacuum.
- Wear an approved respirator with a chemical cartridge for organic vapors when using chemical solvents.
- Always wear your respirator at the top of a chimney.
- Make sure you don’t have facial hair under the sealing area of a tight-fitting respirator. Some facial hair can grow in or protrude into the sealing surface of the respirator and prevent a good seal. Consider using a loose-fitting, powered air-purifying respirator if your facial hair prevents a good seal, as it doesn’t require a fit test.
| | | | | | | Important Links | | Upcoming FEDTC Courses (virtual, in-person, online).
FED Creates Asbestos Air Sampling Tables That Can be Used In the Field or the Office Order Here! ELEVATE YOUR SAFETY PROGRAMS with SiteDocs and Future Environment Designs. Contact SiteDocs here. "Do As I Say, Not As I Did! What I've Learned After 30-Years of Being in Business" - book by Angelo Garcia III Order Here!
FEDTC Training Library: Click Here to access our Library.
Additional Resources
FEDTC’s Recent Blogpost:
Proposed Changes to Title 15 by NYC DEP New York Asbestos LinkedIn Group Recent Discussion:
Important Information on "Unpreventable Employee Misconduct Affirmative Defense". Join the conversation and become a member of a thriving group of health and safety professionals.
| | | | | | | OSHA courses (Online & In-person): - OSHA Respirator User
- OSHA Crystalline Silica Standard for Workers
- OSHA Hazard Communication
- OSHA Hazard Communication plus NYS Right-to-Know
- Covid-19 Awareness Course
- Respirator Hierarchy
- Lead in Construction Awareness Course
- Mold in Construction Awareness Course
- Blood-borne Pathogen 4-Hour Course
Mold courses: - Keeping Your Family Safe Mold Awareness - Online
- NYS Mold Refresher
Oct 11, Dec 13, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM, Virtual Nov 8, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM, FEDTC's Syosset Asbestos courses (check our website for the full schedule of upcoming refresher courses): - Asbestos Awareness Course - Online
- NYCDEP Handler/Supervisor Exam Prep - Online
- NYCDEP Investigator Exam Prep - Online
- AHERA LEA's Designated Person Training - Online
- Asbestos Inspector Initial
Nov 25-27, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, FEDTC's Syosset - Asbestos Inspector Refresher
Nov 7, Dec 2, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM, Virtual Oct 25, Nov 13 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM, FEDTC's Syosset Dec 20, 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM, National Grid Inc. - NYS/NYC Asbestos Handler Refresher
Oct 15, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Nov 18, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, FEDTC's Syosset Dec 14, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, IUOE - NYS Asbestos Project Sampling Technician Refresher
Nov 12, Dec 18, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM, FEDTC's Syosset
- Asbestos Management Planner Refresher
Nov 7, Dec 2, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Virtual Nov 13, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, FEDTC's Syosset - Asbestos Supervisor Refresher
Oct 29, Nov 21, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, FEDTC's Syosset Oct 16, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, CVPH Dec 19, 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM, National Grid Inc. - Asbestos Project Monitor Refresher
Nov 12, Dec 18, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, FEDTC's Syosset - Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Refresher
- Oct 15, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, CVPH
- Oct 17, 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM; 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM, City of Plattsburgh
Nov 18, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, FEDTC's Syosset Dec 14, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, IUOE - Asbestos Project Designer Refresher
Oct 23, Nov 11, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, FEDTC's Syosset - Dec 3, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Virtual
Please click on the individual courses' link to discover more dates!
| | | | Don't Forget Our Referral Program! If you refer asbestos, indoor air quality, or OSHA training to us we will provide you with a 5% discount on any training you book with us. This would be in addition to any other discounts we provide. Thank you to those who have taken advantage of this! | | | | |