The Professional Abatement Contractors of New York (PACNY) have announced the dates for their annual Environmental Conference to be held on March 3rd and 4th, 2022. It will be held at the Turning Stone Resort & Casino in Verona, New York. Visit Turning Stone Casino’s website for pandemic questions. To register for the conference or sponsor the conference click here!
Return of New York State Department of Labor Panel |
Obviously, due to the pandemic, last year’s conference was not held. This year’s conference goes back to the original format of two days – Thursday & Half-day Friday. Thursday is usually the Professional Day and we’re looking forward to the following presentations: a presentation by a New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) Inspector by Elizabeth Kirkland; The Evolving Role of the NYS Project Monitor, and a roundtable discussion by PACNY experts on mold, that will include Jack Springston of ATC. PACNY has asked us, (Angelo Garcia, III’s, of Future Environment Designs, Inc. (FEDTC)), to speak and we will be presenting on the “Trials and Tribulations of Training During a Pandemic”. We hope our presentation will be an entertaining look into trying to maintain a training program during a pandemic. We would like to thank Ms. Karen Cummings, M.P.H., Director of the New York State Department of Health’s (NYSDOH) Asbestos Safety Training Program for providing us with data for our presentation regarding the number of asbestos training certificates issued during the last four years. We would also like to thank Mr. Chek Beng Ng, P.E., Professional Engineer, of the NYSDOL Engineering Services Unit, for also providing us with the mold training data, since 2015, for our presentation. With this information, it will be interesting to see the impact the pandemic had on training and in extension on the available workforce. After the last presentation, we will head over to the Exhibition Hall with the Vendors/Sponsors of the conference and network with the attendees at the open bar. Yes, that’s right Happy Hour is back!
Happy Hour At the Exhibition Hall |
FEDTC is one of the sponsors of the conference again and will have a booth in the Exhibition Hall. Ms. Sheryl Esposito is returning to be the woman at the booth. Come by and say hello! As we have in the past, we will be tweeting the conference. To follow the conference on Twitter, you can search for the hashtag #FEDTCPACNY or you can follow on our Twitter account at
Half-day Friday is Regulatory Day with the NYSDOL’s Asbestos Control Bureau usually doing a brief presentation and then doing a questions and answers session. One question certain to be asked will be when will the Fast Track Variances return? Mr. Ed Smith, P.E., Program Manager of the NYSDOL Engineering Services Unit will be expected to answer that question. This year we will have new people on the podium. Dr. Eileen Franco has retired and the new director is Amy Phillips. Mr. Kirk Fisher takes over for Mr. James Meacham, P.E. as head of the Enforcement Unit. This ponders the question of who takes over the Licensing and Certification Unit? Mr. Paul Demick, Associate Safety & Health Inspector, will be on the podium for the NYSDOL License & Certificate Unit. Lunch on Friday is the last meal of the conference and the last chance to network with the attendees. It will be good to get back to Turning Stone and see all our friends and business associates, again. Hoping to see you there!
indoor air quality
occupational safety and health
occupational safety
asbestos consulting
OSHA consulting
indoor air quality consulting
Long Island
indoor air quality
occupational safety and health
occupational safety
asbestos consulting
OSHA consulting
indoor air quality consulting
Long Island