The Professional Abatement Contractors of New York (PACNY) have announced the dates and schedule for their annual Environmental Conference on March 16th and 17th, 2023. It will be held at the Turning Stone Resort & Casino in Verona, New York. To register for the conference or sponsor the conference click here! Also, this month is the Environmental Information Association’s (EIA’s) 2023 National Conference & Exhibition being held from March 25th to March 29th, 2023. It is being held at Renaissance Nashville Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee. To register for the conference or sponsor the conference click here!
PACNY 2022 |
Both of these conferences provide tons of information that helps keep our classes up-to-date. We are looking forward to several presentations that should provide information about some current issues such as “Managing Typical Regulated and Hazardous Wastes Generated on Abatement/Remediation Projects in NYS”, “Asbestos Building Inspectors – an Open Discussion”, “Exposure Assessments”, “Asbestos-Myth Busters”, and “What Your Injured Employee Think of You, Navigating the NYS Worker’s Compensation Law and Related Benefits” just to name a few.
EIA Conference 2022 in Phoenix, AZ |
We will have a table at the PACNY conference and we will be tweeting the conference using the hashtag #FEDTCPACNY. We will be selling our asbestos air sampling tables ($15 per table) and we will be selling and signing our book “Do As I Say, Not As I Did” ($15 per book) at the table. Come by and say hello! Sheryl Esposito will be womaning the booth as she has for the past couple of years. Our co-host for Two Guys Talking Pumps, Dan Crothers, the International Sales Director of FermionX maker of the Airbox Sampling Pump, will also be attending the conference and is also a sponsor. To know more about the Airbox sampling pumps see our YouTube video “Two Talking Pumps” below or visit him at his booth where he will have the Airbox sampling pump in person! Looking forward to seeing you there.
indoor air quality
occupational safety and health
occupational safety
asbestos consulting
OSHA consulting
indoor air quality consulting
Long Island