Future Environment Designs Training Center specializes in asbestos, indoor air quality, industrial hygiene, and occupational safety training programs. We offer New York State asbestos and mold certification courses. We design, develop, and maintain the various indoor air quality, asbestos, and safety programs that are Keeping Your Employees Safe.

Post: Asbestos Training Providers Slowly Reopen – FEDTC Initial Training is Back!

On Wednesday, June 3, 2020, Karen Cummings, M.P.H., Director of the New York State Department of Health’s (NYSDOH) Asbestos Safety Training Program notified asbestos training providers that they were allowed to offer in-person initial asbestos training.  Empire State Development had determined that statewide initial asbestos safety training can begin in-person.  She also notified us that refresher training must remain online/remote until the rest of the education industry is opened (which would be Phase 4).

Karen Cummings, M.P.H.

Training providers are required to follow all state and federal requirements on social-distancing, personal hygiene (hand-washing/sanitizer use), face coverings, cleaning/disinfecting, etc.  Training providers are required to check the New York Forward site at https://forward.ny.gov/ for guidance and questions regarding re-opening your business should be directed to Empire State Development.

Future Environment Designs Training Center is working on scheduling an #asbestos supervisor initial course and we already have a mold worker, mold remediation/supervisor, and mold assessment initial course on the schedule starting June 29, 2020.  Visit our website for our current schedule.

indoor air quality
occupational safety and health
occupational safety
asbestos consulting
OSHA consulting
indoor air quality consulting
Long Island

Future Environment Designs, Inc.


Angelo Garcia, III, CIEC, CEOP, Principal-Industrial Hygienist

Welcome to my blog (I really don’t like that word). This is where I will post items of interest and discussions. I am the Principal- Industrial Hygienist (owner, cook, and bottle washer) of Future Environment Designs, Inc. Hope you enjoy this site as much as I do.

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